Siobhán Jordan, Interface’s director
Nicol Stephen, Deputy First Minister and Minister for Enterprise and Lifelong Learning, launched the programme, called Interface, earlier this month, saying it would give a much-needed boost to Scotland's business R&D rate, create new business opportunities and increase revenue.
The aim is to increase knowledge transfer from universities and at the same time increase corporate investment in R&D. "In Scotland, we have an internationally competitive university knowledge base. We produce 1 per cent of the world's published research with only 0.1 per cent of the population.”
But business spending on R&D, especially among small companies, is low. "It is vitally important that we find ways to improve this position," said Stephen.
Interface is being run by a small team of experts based at the University of Edinburgh, led by director Siobhán Jordan. They act as a single access point for industry to tap Scotland's university research resources, including specialist expertise, consultancy, industrial placements and access to equipment and facilities.
A web site, http://www.interface-online.org.uk/, providing information on all the university resources, is free and open to anyone.
Examples of successful partnerships featured on the site include a short-term consultancy with academic experts, development of a pharmaceutical analysis service for clients, a collaboration with a pharmaceutical company, and specific solutions such as the development of safe waste disposal and remediation methodologies.
The Interface team can point users at potential funding sources to support company-academic projects, as well as providing other services.
The Scottish Funding Council will provide £290,000 per year for Interface, with another £217,500 coming from the Scottish Innovation Action Programme, part of the European Regional Development Fund).