China opens small window on defence research

21 Nov 2006 | News
The Chinese Academy of Sciences continues to offer intriguing, almost poetic, glimpses of the country's R&D scene.

With only a tantalising glimpse in their announcement, the Chinese Academy of Sciences has hardly compromised its military defences but it is still fascinating to learn that the subjects that interest them include "the digital transformation and organizational innovation in armies," "An analysis of the game-chain in the purchase and R&D or armaments," "the key to revival of the national defense lies in the upgrade of an ordnance product's operational reliability & lifespan," and "the Revolution of Professional Work in the US Army and its inspirations in China." 
We read that these topics were among those discussed at a symposium in Beijing on "organizational innovation for defense research and development". One idea of the event, they tells us was to "put on display the current state and potential brawn of China's military S&T research".
Given the language they use it isn't always to fathom what went on. For example, they tell us that at the gathering experts and scholars from various disciplines were invited to make "through deep-going discussions on topics concerning key research orientations of vital importance, define targets and possible modes, approaches and routes for solving the issues and problems in the field". Maybe they meant "thorough," but even then it smacks of the sort of obfuscation you can read in management handbooks.
There's no chance of misunderstanding the delightfully worded objectives. "Through close, effective and rewarding cooperation between different disciplines, it is hoped that Chinese scientists can grab the opportune chances brought about by our era of changes so that China's modernization program for its national defense may be realized in a grand take-off by leaps and bounds."

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