Nottingham University spins out Aptia

02 Apr 2007 | News | Update from University of Warwick
These updates are republished press releases and communications from members of the Science|Business Network

Spin-out formed

The University of Nottingham has spun out Aptia Solutions Ltd to commercialise cutting and packaging software products and services based on automated layout technology.

The technology offers a fast and accurate method to automatically lay out templates on a given material. The underpinning algorithms are able to produce better layouts than currently possible – with major cost-savings in terms of materials and reduction of waste.

The technology is suitable for a variety of materials including glass, sheet metal, precious metal, fabric, as well as many others.

Aptia Solutions will launch its first software products in April.

Glenn Whitwell, Aptia’s managing director, said, “We still have strong links with the university and we expect this to provide a research and development arm to Aptia which is not only cost effective but also gives us access to the latest research in this important commercial area.”

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