Commissioner Hübner: new investment will make Lisbon strategy “a reality”.
The Cohesion policy distributes funds to help less-developed member states improve their infrastructures and become economically integrated. According to an assessment published by the Commission this week, most of the budget will be invested in Lisbon-related priorities, such as the knowledge economy, research, development and innovation, human capital and business development.
Danuta Hübner, Commissioner for Regional Policy said the analysis proves the European cohesion policy is the main means for delivering the Lisbon agenda for growth and jobs. “The new generation of programmes will boost investment in up-to-date technologies and will improve skills, helping regions move up the value chain to produce high-quality goods and services that can compete in the global marketplace. This is precisely the aim of the EU’s Lisbon strategy, and the new investment supported by Cohesion Policy will make it a reality.”
In the less-developed areas member states and regions intend to invest 65 per cent of Cohesion policy monies in Lisbon priorities. These countries are still in need of investment in basic infrastructure, and this will take place simultaneously. The other regions have undertaken to invest 82 per cent of funds available in Lisbon-oriented priorities.
As a result the investment in innovation in 2007 to 2013 will be €85 billion, three times that in 2000 to 2006. In the newer member states, the share of R&D and innovation will be four times as high as previously.