At a meeting in Brussels potential stakeholders will hear full details of the scientific priorities and get initial guidance on how to apply for funding under the first call for proposals.
Under the IMI, Europe’s largest pharmaceutical companies have pledged to match the Commission’s €1 billion cash with €1 billion worth of staff, laboratory, materials and other resources, to fund an ambitious programme to remove the bottlenecks in drug discovery and development and restore the competitiveness of the industry.
The meeting will bring together representatives of the public sector, the European pharmaceutical industry, the SME biopharmaceutical community and patient groups, which have an interest in supporting IMI’s research programme.
IMI has been set up jointly by the European Commission and the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations as a public private partnership. The meeting will provide a brief overview of the IMI concept, its potential impact on European competitiveness and healthcare, and present an overview of the first call for proposals.