ECB wide economic research priorities for the coming year are adopted by the Research Coordination Committee (RCC) and approved by the ECB Executive Board.
1. DSGE Modelling
2. Short-term Forecast Tools
3. Tools for the Projection Exercises
4. The New Area-Wide Model Development
5. A Multi-Country DSGE Model for the Euro Area
2. Monetary Policy Analysis
1. Enhancing the Monetary Analysis
2. Supporting the Real Time Assessment of the Monetary Policy Stance with Quantitative and Model-Based Indicators
3. Understanding the Transmission Mechanism of Monetary Policy
1. Wage Developments in the Euro Area
2. Housing Markets
3. Household Finances and Consumption
4. Central Bank Communication
5. The Transmission of Monetary Policy: Where do we stand?
6. Monitoring and Analysing Financial Market Developments
7. Heterogeneity and Convergence: Economic Diversity, Competitiveness, Adjustment and Convergence Across EU Countries
8. Structural Policies and Reforms
9. Labour Market Heterogeneity
4. Financial Stability
1. Monitoring and Assessing Financial Stability
2. Financial Stability and Monetary Policy
3. Macro Stress Testing
5. The Efficiency of the European Financial System
1. European Financial Integration and Development
2. Understanding the Money Market and the Impact of Different Designs for Operational Frameworks
6. International
1. Globalisation
2. International Role of the Euro
3. A Global Model for International Policy Analysis
7. Fiscal
1. Long-run and Short-run Aspects of Fiscal Policies