UK nanotech bodies joins forces to promote new applications

15 Oct 2008 | News
Two of the UK’s publicly funded nanotechtechnology promotion bodies have joined forces to speed the development of applications in regenerative medicine, diagnostics, imaging and drug discovery.

Image courtesy ORNL.

Two of the UK’s publicly funded nanotechtechnology promotion bodies, the Nanotechnology Knowledge Transfer Network and Bio Nano Consulting Ltd, have joined forces to speed the development of applications in  regenerative medicine, diagnostics, imaging and drug discovery.

The new technology partnership will support all UK bionano and nanomedicine capabilities and provide input into UK government policy and strategy in the field. It also aims to promote technology transfer and communication between researchers and industry, and encourage debate on key ethical issues surrounding the potential impact of nanotechnology in biotechnology and medicine.

The partnership plans to launch and coordinate at least four focus groups per year, to consider different aspects of how nanotechnology can be applied in medicine, focusing for example, on drug delivery, diagnostics and biomedical electronics.

Bio Nano Consulting is jointly owned by University College London and Imperial College. Founded in 2005, to date it has received almost £5 million in government funding to create and operate a Bio-nanotechnology centre of excellence.

Meanwhile, the Nanotechnology Knowledge Transfer Network was set up to support the transfer of knowledge and experience between industry and research. It offers companies access to information on new processes, patents and funding as well as keeping up-to-date with industry regulation.

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