Imperial College London’s Innovation and Entrepreneurship Group is hosting a monthly seminar series on science entrepreneurship running from late January to June 2009. This Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Design (IED) Best Practice programme, funded by the Higher Education Innovation Fund, is aimed at academics, industry members and policy makers, and will address issues pertaining to entrepreneurial company growth.
The IED Best Practice series will debate ways in which companies, particularly those making a transition from the start-up phase, can achieve optimal growth. The seminars will each have a specific focus and will be led by a three person panel chaired by one of the Imperial College Business School academics: David Gann, Erkki Autio and Gerry George.
The seminars will address the following issues:
Avenues for global growth
Intellectual capital and Financial value (24 February 2009)
Growing the management team (24 March 2009)
Financing growth (26 May 2009)
Emmerging markets-opportunities and challenges (28 April 2009)
Corporate Partnering strategies (23 June 2009)