Potocnik meets European Research Council review experts

25 Feb 2009 | News
Janez Potočnik, European Commissioner for Science and Research, has met with the experts due to carry out the review of the European Research Council (ERC).

Janez Potočnik, European Commissioner for Science and Research

Janez Potočnik, European Commissioner for Science and Research, has held a meeting with the members of the high level panel that is due to carry out the review the European Research Council (ERC).

The aim of the review is to scrutinize the two year old ERC’s structure and mechanisms, assess its achievements and to give advice on the future direction of this funding. The review will be conducted by eminent representatives of the science and policy domains from the EU and US.

The panel, which is due to be formally appointed by the Commission, met Potocnik earlier this week. It comprises six experts who have a background in research policy and management at national, European and international level, with all having held top positions in national government, research institutes, or European academic establishments.

The Panel will be chaired by Vaira Vike-Freiberga, former President of Latvia (1999-2007) and former Professor of Psychology at the University of Montreal, who has been Vice-president of the Reflection Group on the long-term future of the European Union since December 2007.

The other members will be Yves Mény, President of the European University Institute; Fiorella Kostoris Padoa Schioppa, Professor of Economics at La Sapienza, Rome; Lars-Hendrik Röller, President of European School of Management and Technology, Berlin and Professor of Economics, Humboldt University, Berlin; David Sainsbury (Vice-Chair), Former Under Secretary of State at UK Department of Trade and Industry with responsibility for Science & Innovation and Head of Gatsby Charitable Foundation, and Elias Zerhouni, who until October 2008 was Director of the US National Institutes of Health, USA and previously executive Vice-dean of Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, USA.

Commissioner Potočnik said the review of ERC structures and mechanisms should be seen as a very important step in the development of the ERC and beyond that the future excellence and competitiveness of Europe. “The Commission is committed to an absolutely independent review, so as to ensure a robust and authoritative analysis of the ERC.”

Since its launch just over two years ago in 2007, the ERC has considered more than 11,000 grant applications, allocating more than €850 million to 575 successful applicants. It is open to applicants from across Europe, with excellence as the only criterion for awarding funds.

It is managed by an independent Scientific Council and operates through a structure that is to become an autonomous Executive Agency before Summer 2009. The Review is intended to ensure that its structures and mechanisms are appropriate and effective.

The panel will meet between February and July and prepare an initial report in the summer to enable the European Commission to make an initial response in the autumn.

Further information on the ERC review will be made available on the dedicated website at http://erc.europa.eu as the review proceeds.

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