Start-ups supported by YES!Delft, TU Delft’s new business scheme, have reported notable performance figures for 2008. The workforce across the 39 companies tripled, turnover was up by 75 per cent and venture capitalists invested ten times more than in the previous year.
The 39 companies, all under four years old, attracted €5 million in venture capital in 2008, of which 80 per cent came from foreign investors. The combined turnover from sales rose to over €9 million, an increase of almost €4 million over 2007, when 32 companies were operating under YES!Delft’s wing.
The growth in turnover and investment led to a tripling in the number of employees to 141 in 2008, compared to 47 in 2007.
In addition, nine companies flew the YES!Delft nest to go it alone. The results from these spin-out are not included in the figures.
“This growth is mainly thanks to a number of companies that have been successful in tapping into new markets,” says Lesley Fockema Andreae, Manager of the YES!Delft Incubation Centre.
YES!Delft promotes technology-based entrepreneurship, supporting all phases of commercialisation and inspiring students, professionals and academics to think about developing their own company.