Cambridge opens Regenerative Medicine Lab

10 Jun 2009 | Network Updates

Cambridge University’s Biomedical Campus has been complemented by the opening of the West Forvie Building, following a multi-million pound refurbishment. The building is home to the Anne McLaren Laboratory for Regenerative Medicine (LRM), the Cardiovascular Laboratory, the Molecular Imaging Laboratory and the Phenomics Laboratory.

The Laboratory for Regenerative Medicine, named in memory of Cambridge researcher Anne McLaren, will build on expertise in understanding stem cells in model systems to provide a platform for clinical applications, including transplantation, drug discovery and testing, and drugs to boost the function of the body’s own stem cells.

Funding to refurbish and equip the LRM building came from the UK Medical Research Council, the Royal Society, the Wolfson Foundation, the British Heart Foundation and the Isaac Newton Trust.

The Laboratory for Regenerative Medicine hosts the MRC Centre for Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine.

Research in the Cardiovascular Laboratory will range from cell and molecular biological investigation of the causes and consequences of cardiovascular disease, through various research models to establish disease pathogenesis and the results of treatment. Co-location with the LRM will allow integrated training of cardiovascular researchers in stem cell medicine.

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