Cambridge students consider India’s recipe for industrial success

01 Jul 2009 | Network Updates

Students at the Cambridge University Institute for Manufacturing (IfM) are studying India’s recipe for industrial success, in a study tour of more than 20 of country’s leading firms in Bangalore, Mumbai, Pune and New Delhi, and across business sectors including high tech, pharmaceuticals, computing, automotive and construction.

It is hoped the research team will provide a greater understanding of the investment opportunities for UK companies in India, and identify future trends. Mike Gregory, head of the tour, said that it will help increase understanding of the challenges which India’s rapid industrialisation poses, both internally and externally, and produce some important lessons for UK manufacturing.

The leader of the tour, Ajith Parlikad, Lecturer in Automation and Control in the IfM's Distributed Information and Automation Laboratory, said, “We’ll be focusing on core areas of sustainability and growth, looking at parallels between the service industry and manufacturing, and looking at whether India’s future is now in high tech sectors.”

A report will be published later this year.

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