The Golden Triangle Partnership, a collaboration between the London Biotechnology Network and its counterparts in Oxford and Cambridge, has signed a memorandum of understanding with the Massachusetts Medical Device Industry Council (MassMEDIC) to forge a stronger relationship, encouraging business between them and cross-promote their medical device industries for mutual benefit.
The MOU includes a commitment to promote transatlantic investment and partnering by encouraging collaborations between member companies. GTP and MassMEDIC will promote each other’s investment and partnering events.
“This MOU signifies an important and innovative step to raise our members’ profiles globally, with the intention of increasing deal flow with Mass based companies and investors,” said Tony Jones, Director of LBN.
This follows a similar agreement between the Golden Triangle and the Massachusetts biotech industry body MassBio in October.
“This is a significant partnership that brings together the trade groups for two of the world’s largest life sciences clusters,” said Tom Sommer, CEO of MassMEDIC.