TU Delft Executive Chairman Dirk van den Berg has given his appraisal of how the university is weathering the financial crisis. “It is a worrying climate,” he said, “but TU Delft has the strength to withstand it.”
He cited a number of examples, including the success of the university in the designation of the Knowledge and Innovation Communities (KICs) by the European Institute for Innovation and Technology, the pivotal role of the TU Delft in a number of other grant applications and the growing number of students.
“This year, TU Delft has put its financial house in order, bringing spending back to match the revenue,” said Van den Berg.
The speech can be seen through Collegerama: http://collegerama.tudelft.nl/mediasite/Viewer/?peid=385e476a6ac744cf8fee3737489b8ca8