The President of Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Georg Krausch, said this is the first time a formal accord has been made between the University Medical Centre and a Japanese university. “Even within the academic arena, enhanced globalisation and networking are becoming fundamental prerequisites for international research ventures.”
“This agreement between Mainz and Nagasaki, on a project that is being sponsored by the BMBF, represents major progress towards helping us better understand the health risks associated with exposure to radiation,” said Reinhard Urban, Scientific Director of the Mainz University Medical Centre.
The two direct partners to the agreement, the Institute of Medical Biostatistics, Epidemiology, and Informatics (IMBEI) of the Mainz University Medical Centre and the Atomic Bomb Disease Institute in Nagasaki, plan to extend their collaboration in the fields of research and teaching by establishing closer contacts and developing and implementing joint projects.
For more information, go to: http://www.uni-mainz.de/eng/13287.php