This fifth fund brings the total that SVLS has under management to over $2.0 billion, making it one of the largest dedicated life sciences venture capital investment firms.
The investment strategy of this fifth fund will remain the same as the earlier funds, providing start-up, early stage and expansion capital to life sciences companies in the US and Europe. The fund will invest across life sciences, including biotechnology and pharmaceuticals, medical devices, healthcare services and healthcare information technology. Anticipated investment size will typically be between $5 million and $35 million.
James Garvey, Chairman and Managing Partner of SV Life Sciences in Boston, said, “We experienced considerable success in fundraising despite a challenging economic climate, especially for venture capital firms, which have endured a difficult period for raising capital.” This is down to the proven track record of SVLS’ team. “Investors were attracted by SVLS’ diversified strategy and consistent record of success, with the firm realising sales of portfolio investments across all three sectors in 2009.”
Garvey added, “We are encouraged to have raised a similar size of fund to SVLSF IV which enjoyed considerably more favourable economic conditions in 2007.”
While it has seen investors in the earlier funds put money in this fifth fund, SVLS has also managed to diversify its investor base. Kate Bingham, Managing Partner of SV Life Sciences in London, said, “We have attracted 22 high quality new investors including well-known private and public pension funds, fund of funds investors, and foundations, endowments, and family offices.”
In line with the previous funds, approximately 60 percent of the money came from the US and 40 percent from Europe and the rest of the world.
SVLS backed over 200 companies to date. Approximately half of the investments have been in biotech sector with the remaining half split equally between the medical device and healthcare service sectors.