Study shows increasing cooperation between richer and poorer member states under Horizon 2020

09 Sep 2019 | News byte


Researchers in EU’s first 15 member states appear to have reduced their collaborations with poorer, EU-13 member states during the seventh research framework programme (FP7).

However, the latest data analysed by Pierre-Alexandre Balland, Ron Boschma and Julien Ravet in the Journal of European Planning Studies shows researchers in EU-15 member states have substantially increased the number of projects with EU-13 partners in Horizon 2020.

In FP6, the percentage of connections between EU-15 participants and EU-13 participants was 14.4 per cent of all collaborations involving EU-15 participants. This decreased to 13.3 per cent during FP7, but has increased again to 13.7 per cent in Horizon 2020.

The same study shows the share of collaborations of EU-13 participants with each other has been stable since FP6.

Source: The Journal of European Planning Studies, 2019

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