Crick scientists unlikely to stay in the UK because of Brexit

14 Nov 2018 | News byte

Many Crick scientists are significantly less likely to remain in the UK when they look for their next role

Researchers at the Francis Crick Institute, UK’s largest biomedical research lab, say they are much less likely to remain in the UK when looking for their next career step, according to an in-house survey published on October 22.

Half of them say they are less likely to stay in the UK when they leave the institute, while only 7 per cent are confident that the UK will continue to attract top scientific talent.

About 44 per cent of respondents are UK nationals, while 42.7 per cent are from other EU member states. The remainder are scientists from other countries around the world. 

Concerns about Brexit are very high among Crick scientists, with only 10 per cent feeling confident in the future of UK science. Only 4 per cent think that the government is committed to getting a good deal for science while only 3 per cent think the scientific community is being listened to.

Source: The Francis Crick Institute.

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