As the process of reforming research assessment gains momentum, representatives of Widening countries share concerns that their perspectives will not be properly accommodated
The money forms part of a proposed €10B package of investment in strategic technologies. But the Commission fails to deliver on much-requested increases for other parts of Horizon Europe
A new declaration warns that research outputs are still not readily available for reuse, leading to less efficient use of resources. A fresh push is needed to set up open data repositories
Concentrated diplomatic efforts win the day as Romania is made a ‘founding observer’ in the ELI ERIC consortium. The move is a huge step forwards after a long-running row that seriously held up the largest research infrastructure in eastern Europe
Research should be outside the scope of the AI Act, but MEPs have agreed that the EU legislation should impose a total ban on the implementation of AI systems for biometric surveillance, emotion recognition and predictive policing
Blame game has ensued after the Commission shut down the bespoke portal with no prior notice. And the application process is likely to be messy for a while, with temporary solutions still being set up
The legal framework to support the green tech revolution is winding its way through the Brussels policy mill. Parliament wants changes to make the act easier for industry to expand manufacturing of net-zero technologies in the EU
EIT Food’s “RisingFoodStars” for 2023 - young companies at the forefront of agrifood innovation – will be showcased at the Annual Event in Riga on 27 and 28 June.
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