New research points to a dramatic growth in the use of telemedicine for the diagnosis and treatment of mental health disorders in rural areas of the US, but that there is a strikingly uneven distribution of services across states
A survey by the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) shows 21 EU/EEA countries have in place, or are in the process of installing electronic systems for recording nationwide information on vaccination
The use of health data has the potential to offer significant benefits for patients, healthcare systems, research and innovation, but a sustainable and effective health data ecosystem is needed in order to realise the full potential of these data, according to report from RAND Europe
A comparative analysis of six European health technology assessment (HTA) bodies shows they have divergent approaches to integrating real world data into their assessments of the added value of new treatments
Babies born today in 13 US counties have shorter expected lifespans than their parents did when they were born, according to a new study. For example, life expectancy at birth in Owsley County, Kentucky, was 72.4 years in 1980, dropping to 70.2 years in 2014
The country’s first nationwide survey of patients’ views is intended to provide insights that can be used to improve care quality. This is a chance to accelerate much-needed change, say patient advocates
A hospital in Barcelona is saving money by embracing a proven system for speeding recovery from surgery - without jeopardising patient care. Now it is planned to extend the enhanced recovery scheme around the country
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