These updates are republished press releases and communications from members of the Science|Business Network. Network Updates can be sent to [email protected] and [email protected]. To know if your content piece qualifies as Network Update, check the editorial guidelines here.

Last chance for European nanomedicine

Nanotechnology has the power to transform healthcare. But Europe will lose out to the United States unless it can mount a coherent approach to developing nanomedicine, says a new report.
01 Feb 2006

Dendrimers - the quick guide

Not so much a geological specimen as something that will make nanotechnology happen, dendrimers are the young upstarts of the polymer family - but they have promise.
01 Feb 2006

Why big pharma needs little bio

On 26 January, in London, Science|Business organised a roundtable of executives in the biotech industry to discuss the state of the market. The consensus: investor appetite for biotech companies is on the rise.
01 Feb 2006

Europe must close the rhetoric gap

Europe preaches the knowledge society, but its aversion to risk and reluctance to change has got to go, warns Esko Aho, former prime minister of Finland.
01 Feb 2006