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Creative Commons: Benkler and Lessig practice what they preach

Yochai Benkler and Lawrence Lessig are two well-known law professors affiliated with very prestigious US universities, Yale and Stanford, respectively. They are specialised in intellectual property like policemen are specialised in crime: it is their bailiwick but they do not particularly like it.
29 Jul 2006

Lawyers on the nano case

The American Bar Association makes available its take on the USA's "federal environmental statutes" and their implications for nanotechnology.
27 Jul 2006

Dental Implant battlefield

The IP battlefield is large and diversified. It goes way beyond highly-publicized battles about patenting genes or semi-conductor designs. A case in point is a lawsuit filed July 14 by Materialise nv, a spin-off of Belgium’s Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, against a Swiss-Swedish company, Nobel Biocare.
23 Jul 2006

EU seeks views on knowledge transfer

You have until the end of the month to tell the EU about your "needs in relation to transnational research cooperation and knowledge transfer between public research organisations".
21 Jul 2006

Stem cell issue could derail FP7 at the 11th hour

The European Union’s €54 billion research budget for the next seven years may not be approved in time for the beginning of next year – if Slovenia carries out its threat to oppose the funding of stem cell research.
20 Jul 2006