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Chalmers researchers develop a new method for the treatment of phantom limb pain

Max Ortiz Catalan has developed a new method for the treatment of phantom limb pain (PLP) after an amputation. The method is based on a unique combination of several technologies, and has been initially tested on a patient who has suffered from severe phantom limb pain for 48 years. A case study shows a drastic reduction of pain.
26 Feb 2014

Chalmers researchers discover the weak link in kidney cancer cells

A team of researchers at Chalmers University of Technology has found that kidney cancer cells have a quite different metabolism than other types of malignancies. The findings pave the way for new methods of diagnosing kidney cancer at an early stage, a feat that had eluded researchers earlier, and thereby fresh approaches to treatment.
19 Feb 2014

Aalto University coordinates sustainable development project

Aalto University has been selected to coordinate the Rio+20 Implementation in the Nordic Higher Education Institutes project, which aims to improve the implementation of and policy instruments related to sustainable development in Nordic Higher Education Institutes. Another aim is to encourage higher education institutes to adopt the principles of sustainability.
11 Feb 2014

Karolinska Institute offers world class MOOCs

One of the world's leading medical universities, Karolinska Institutet in Sweden, now offers online MOOCs (massive open online courses). This gives hundreds of thousands of students worldwide access to the university's leading edge expertise.
11 Feb 2014