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Chalmers develops novel high temperature materials for a sustainable society

Thermal power plants amounts to nearly 70% of all generated electricity worldwide, but also accounts for about one third of the global carbon dioxide emissions. By finding improved high temperature materials, thermal power plants can run more effectively to a lower cost, both economically and environmentally.
22 Apr 2014

Karolinska led team of researchers identifies a new general concept for the treatment of cancer

A team of researchers from five Swedish universities, led by Karolinska Institutet and the Science for Life Laboratory, have identified a new way of treating cancer. The concept is presented in the journal Nature and is based on inhibiting a specific enzyme called MTH1, which cancer cells, unlike normal cells, require for survival. Without this enzyme, oxidized nucleotides are incorporated into DNA, resulting in lethal DNA double-strand breaks in cancer cells.
09 Apr 2014

Bioprinting new organs at Chalmers

With the new 3D Bioprinter, the research group of Professor Paul Gatenholm at the Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering exploits new possibilities of tissue engineering and organ regeneration.
09 Apr 2014

Gates Cambridge welcomes 55 new Scholars

Fifty-five of the world's most academically brilliant and socially committed young people from 27 countries have been selected as Gates Cambridge Scholars and will begin their postgraduate courses at the University of Cambridge this October.
09 Apr 2014