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Chalmers: Aircraft fuel consumption can be reduced by 15 per cent

Two aircraft engine concepts, geared turbofan and open rotor, can enable a significant reduction to aircraft fuel consumption. With open rotor, the potential reduction is 15 per cent. These are the findings of Linda Larsson, who has analysed and evaluated the two concepts.
27 May 2014

Healthcare researcher at Chalmers receives Areas of Advance prize

The 2014 Areas of Advance prize goes to Andreas Hellström, senior lecturer and director of the Centre for Healthcare Improvement (CHI), a research and education centre that has had great impact on improvements in health care and is contributing to a sustainable society. The SEK 100,000 prize will support the work being carried out by CHI and Chalmers to further develop Swedish health care services.
21 May 2014

New Quantum Science & Technology Institute opens at UCL

UCL is today inaugurating a new Quantum Science & Technology Institute (UCLQ). The new institute will coordinate and support research into quantum science and technology across UCL, helping to develop this fast-advancing field of research.
14 May 2014