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ETH: Zurich Laboratory for sustainable construction

The House of Natural Resources (HoNR) is a flagship project for a hardwood building. Today marked the inauguration of the office building on ETH’s Hönggerberg campus after 18 months of construction. It is an exciting development for researchers at ETH Zurich as the building will serve as a research laboratory for sustainable construction.
03 Jun 2015

Patents can make or break drug discovery in Poland

There are several barriers holding back science-industry collaboration, but the most urgent one is the reluctance to protect intellectual property in advance of publishing research results, according to two of Poland’s leading patent attorneys

03 Jun 2015

University of Pisa unveils new bionic hand

Researchers behind a robotic hand designed by the University of Pisa’s “E. Piaggio” research centre in collaboration with the Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia want to revolutionise the way we think about artificial limbs. Simple and robust in structure, and cheaper than previous technologies, the new ‘Softhand’ is capable of reproducing almost all natural hand movements
27 May 2015

Thumbs up for Chalmers strategy

The establishment of the Chalmers Areas of Advance is a success. “Continue the great work!” is the message from the international committee responsible for evaluating the billion kronor initiative by the government in 2008. As a result, the funding agencies wish to reallocate another SEK 13 million in research grants to Chalmers.
06 May 2015