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Record year of spin offs for ETH Zurich

25 spin-offs were founded at ETH Zurich last year – more than ever before in a single year. The new record highlights the benefits of supporting young talent early on and illustrates that ETH’s own support programme is paying off.
06 Jan 2016

Researchers at ETH develop new diagnostics method

The new method is based on Birefringence, the ability of substances to change the polarisation state of light. With this method, doctors around the world can easily, rapidly and reliably detect malaria, Ebola or HIV to name only a few.
11 Dec 2015

Chalmers launches Graphene Centre

The well-attended kick-off event of the Graphene Centre at Chalmers took place in the student union building on 2 December. Among the participants were Chalmers president Stefan Bengtsson and Avgust Yurgens, professor at MC2.
09 Dec 2015