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Chalmers: Volvo scholarship for scientists behind the crash test dummy

The development of crash test dummies has played a vital role in terms of car safety. Two researchers into traffic safety are now being rewarded for their crucial work in the field of biomechanical research. The Håkan Frisinger Foundation for Transportation Research has awarded its 2015 scholarship of SEK 250,000 to Astrid Linder and Mats Svensson
02 Mar 2016

Karolinska Institutet: Insulin-secreting cells report on insulin resistance

Diabetes researchers at Karolinska Institutet have developed a novel technique that makes it possible to monitor insulin resistance in a non-invasive manner over time in mice. The new method, presented in the journal Scientific Reports, can be used to assess insulin resistance during progression and intervention of metabolic diseases.
25 Feb 2016