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New board proposed for Karolinska Institutet

The government has now received proposals for the members of the KI University Board (konsistoriet) whom it is to appoint. The proposals were submitted by the nomination committee, comprising County Governor Christ Heister, former University Chancellor Lars Haikola and a student representative.
06 Apr 2016

Researchers at ETH Zurich make artificial molecules

A new method allows scientists at ETH Zurich and IBM to fabricate artificial molecules out of different types of microspheres. The researchers would like to one day use such tiny objects in micro-robots, for photonics and basic biochemical research.
06 Apr 2016

CERN: Return of the LHC

On Friday, the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) opened its doors to allow particles to travel around the ring for the first time since the year-end technical stop (YETS) began in December 2015. At 10.30 am, a first bunch was circulating and by midday the beam was circulating in both directions.
30 Mar 2016

Karolinska Institutet: Top researchers advocate united actions to fight Alzheimer’s disease

To meet the challenge of Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias, a concerted effort and long-term economic commitment is needed, according to a new expert report by internationally leading researchers in the field. The journal Lancet Neurology devotes its entire April issue to a detailed overview and recommendations about how patient care, as well as basic and clinical research on Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias should be organised in the future. The report will be presented at a workshop hosted by the European Parliament in Brussels on March 15, during the Brain Awareness Week 2016.
16 Mar 2016