Sweden is facing a world of rapid change and great uncertainty. From technological advances to climate change and geopolitical challenges, our ability to anticipate and adapt to the future is critical. Strategic foresight offers a structured method for exploring future scenarios, identifying disruptive changes and creating sustainable strategies that meet both today's and tomorrow's needs.
What is strategic foresight?
Strategic foresight is about combining analyzes of long-term trends and developments with scenario planning and cross-sector cooperation. It is a tool for decision makers in the public and private sectors to navigate uncertainties and identify opportunities. By creating a common picture of the future, we can make better decisions today.
Sweden in an international perspective
The report compares Sweden's work on strategic foresight with international forerunners such as Singapore, Finland and Great Britain. The results show that Sweden has a lot to gain from institutionalizing foresight work and integrating it into policy development and innovation strategies. Countries that have established strong foresight functions clearly show how this work can strengthen competitiveness and innovative capacity.
How can strategic foresight strengthen innovation?
By combining trend analysis and scenario planning, organizations can better prepare for disruptive changes. This not only strengthens the ability to innovate, but also helps to ensure that new solutions are sustainable and well-rooted in societal needs. Sweden can strengthen its position as a leader in innovation by creating robust collaborations between authorities, business and research.
Recommendations for the future
To meet the challenges of the future, the report proposes:
- - Building a national structure for strategic foresight.
- - Invest in education and skills for "futures literacy".
- - Strengthen cooperation between actors in different sectors to identify and meet common challenges.
- - Develop systems for continuous horizon scanning and scenario planning.
This article was first published 29 November 2024 by Vinnova.