Healthy ageing is one of the biggest challenges of our time, since the increasingly large portion of the population is getting over 65.
Mysurable, an innovative startup of the University of Bologna, has developed mioTest®, a system based on simple, effective and scientifically validated tools that identify the risk of sarcopenia – the loss of muscle mass related to ageing –, one of the most important causes of elderly's frailty. The basis for both mioTest® and the activity of Mysurable Srl is an University's patent.
The patent covers a bio impedance meter designed for the elderly population, and a cloud platform which remotely collects and processes the patient's data; this allows to update the diagnostic criteria in real-time, making them available at any time to the operators involved.
The system is able to assess muscle mass composition - its functionality and its level of hydration- in a reliable, affordable and non invasive way. As a result, the system that does not imply the installation of any software, can be used in comprehensive screening programmes aiming to improve the quality of life of the elderly population.
In order for the project to grow faster, a campaign has been launched on LITA, the crowdfunding platform dedicated to projects focusing on social and environmental impact. The Mysurable Srl’s product to determine the risk of sarcopenia is currently on market and available in pharmacies. The objective of the crowdfunding campaign is to develop the cloud/deep learning software, which is the very core of the mioTest® system, and to produce and distribute a new product that would identify some types of sarcopenia more efficiently, being based on Artificial Intelligence techniques.
A system like mioTest® is a useful tool for monitoring the elderly, thanks to its user-friendliness and no need to engage medical staff. The patented technology can be used to prevent the elder's disability, to optimise home care diagnostic, to better manage severe disabilities and to verify the effectiveness of medical treatment.
Mysurable Srl is an investee company of AlmaCube, the business incubator founded by the University of Bologna and Confindustria Emilia Area Centro, which supports its entrepreneurial activity and the development of its business, also through the strategic partnership of Intesa San Paolo.
To invest in Mysurable Srl: LITA.co