The Academy of Finland has decided on funding for twelve consortia under the 2022 call for research on key areas of green and digital transition. The University of Eastern Finland is a partner in two consortiums.
Heli Peltola, Professor in Silvicultural Sciences at the UEF School of Forest Sciences, is a partner in the MULTIRISK consortium led by the University of Helsinki. The funding for the partner project is 599,478 euros.
The goal of the three-year research project is to provide advanced digital technologies and risk management solutions and tools for mitigating forest disturbances caused by spruce bark beetles and storms. Research provides a significant renewal in the science-based risk management under a changing operative environment and valuable support for climate change adaptation and mitigation.
Niko Soininen, Professor of Environmental Law and Water Law at the UEF Law School, is a partner in the Transformative Cities consortium led by the University of Helsinki. The share of funding for UEF is 349,983 euros.
Transformative Cities aims to create an integrated set of mobility modelling, participatory mapping and governance methods for enabling sustainable urban lifestyles. This includes transport mode shifts from car use to more sustainable transportation options in ways that promote healthy environmental exposures through nature-based solutions.
According to Professor Johanna Myllyharju, chair of the deciding subcommittee at the Academy of Finland, it was great to see consortia among the applications that innovatively bring together many fields of research relevant for the dual green and digital transition.
“The funding decisions now made support diverse research to address topical challenges. The decision-makers were delighted that the funded projects included projects led by early-career researchers and promising initiatives that could contribute to the development of new competence clusters,” says Myllyharju.
This article was first published on 13 December by UEF.