The Berlin University Alliance aims to increase the networking activities and diversity of international perspectives in Berlin as a center of science and research. Thirteen joint research projects focusing on issues of social cohesion, graduate studies education, and global health promote the BUA’s strategic cooperation with its international partner universities, the University of Oxford, the University of Melbourne, and the National University of Singapore. TU Berlin scientists play a lead role in five of these research projects.
The projects “FAIRWORK Germany, Improving Working Conditions for Platform Workers in Germany” under the direction of Professor Jan Kratzer and the “Oxford-Berlin Initiative on Museums as Spaces of Social Cohesion and Conflict” led by ProfessorBénédicte Savoy and her team are receiving funding through the OX/BUA Centre for Advanced Studies. Together with colleagues from the University of Oxford, they aim to address questions of social cohesion.
In the project “The Future of Urban Biodiversity in a Changing World,” Dr. Tanja Straka is cooperating with researchers from the University of Melbourne to better understand urban ecology and biodiversity. Professor Slawomir Stanczak is working in the project “Computation for Communication – Bridging the Digital and Analog Worlds” to investigate problems of efficiency in wireless communication. Both research projects are pursuing the BUA’s Promoting Talent objective and are focused on training and including doctoral candidates in the project work.
Professor Holger Stark is head of “Using artificial intelligence to control medical microrobots,” a joint project with the National University of Singapore examining whether microrobots in the human body can be controlled with the help of artificial intelligence.
Further information
Berlin University Alliance press release “Stärkung der internationalen Global Health-Forschung”
Berlin University Alliance press release “Researching Social Cohesion Internationally”
TU Berlin in the Alliance of Excellence
This article was first published on 30 March by TU Berlin.