Strategy update: DESY gets fit for the future

19 Jul 2022 | Network Updates

With a comprehensive update of its strategy, DESY is setting the course for a successful future at the forefront of research: “The goals fixed in the strategy 'DESY 2030' need to be sharpened,” emphasises Helmut Dosch, Chairman of the DESY Board of Directors. “On the one hand, we have new directors on board who will bring new aspects of the future into the existing strategy; on the other hand, we are living in a time of change. The advancing climate change, the new threat to our society from pandemics and the digital transformation must be taken up by the research centre and incorporated even more strongly and visibly into future planning.”

The so-called update loop for the 'DESY 2030' strategy will take about a year. “Addressing these new challenges against the backdrop of tighter financial constraints is a huge task that the research centre has to face,” says Dosch. “It means that we have to set priorities and focus on the mission-critical core tasks of the centre.”

More than 100 DESY scientists participated in the kick-off for the strategy update. An analysis of the current situation with a view to new developments in science and an exchange on strategically relevant future topics formed a central input for the future strategic framework of the research centre.

With the strategy 'DESY 2030' for research and innovation, the centre had defined its goals in 2018. These include, in particular, the upgrade of PETRA III to the ultimate 3D X-ray microscope PETRA IV. 'DESY 2030' already takes into account societal needs such as sustainability, the transfer of knowledge into technology and applications or the strengthening of human resources development.

As part of the updating process, expert groups are putting the existing goals to the test and identifying new strategic options where necessary. In several workshops and town hall meetings, the experts discuss the current status of the research centre's further development as well as new challenges. “We are sharpening the strategy so that DESY will remain a world-leading centre in the study of matter and in the development, construction and operation of large accelerator facilities,” Dosch emphasises.

The strategy update is to be completed in spring 2023, and the results will be presented in summer 2023. For DESY, these will form the basis for scientific planning and application for the fifth round of the Helmholtz Association's “Programme-oriented Funding”, PoF V, the preparation of which will begin in the second half of 2023. The Programme-oriented Funding is the central Helmholtz instrument for funding the centres.

This article was first published on 14 July by DESY.

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