The Fonds de recherche du Québec are inviting members of the scientific community to join forces under the IMPULSION funding program to launch rapid deployment projects in support of Québec's post-pandemic economic recovery.
IMPULSION is structured around four calls for proposals aiming to put in place conditions and environments that are favourable to the economic recovery. Funded projects must open the way to establish or develop collaborations in the short term with community organizations, private businesses and other user communities and find concrete solutions to a range of societal issues.
Through its four calls, IMPULSION seeks to support research projects on a particular issue in one of the following reasearch areas:
Agri-food (led by FRQNT)
Education (led by FRQSC)
Green energy (led by FRQNT)
Ageing (led by FRQS)
Teams must be made up of at least three individuals, including a representative from the user community.
Total budget: $2 million ($500 000/research area)
Amount and funding period: Up to $100 000/project including ICR, 1 year
Launch date of the four calls for proposals: March 1, 2021
Deadline to submit a proposal: April 29, 2021
Announcement of the results: July 2021
This article was first published on 12 February by Québec Research Funds.