New Science|Business Network member: Simon Fraser University partners with Foresight to advance the Canadian cleantech industry

16 Feb 2021 | Network Updates

Simon Fraser University joined the Science|Business Network of universities, companies and public-sector organisations. We welcome them, and republish here their first announcement of latest news. More information about the Science|Business Network here.

Simon Fraser University is partnering with Foresight Cleantech Accelerator Centre to advance the cleantech industry in B.C. and beyond. A memorandum of understanding (MOU) announced today will focus on shared areas of opportunity in cleantech development through SFU Innovates.

The partnership will involve creating a new research program under the leadership of professor Mark Jaccard of SFU’s School of Resource and Environmental Management, and professor Elicia Maine, special advisor on Innovation to SFU’s Vice-President, Research and International, and the VanDusen Professor of Innovation and Entrepreneurship.

An applied research study will help Canadian companies in emissions intensive trade exposed (EITE) industries transition to cleantech and help inform climate policy. The project is funded by the Pacific Institute for Climate Solutions (PICS) with Foresight as the industry partner.

Other areas of collaboration will include advancing energy solutions from lab to market, job creation and engaging professors and students in cleantech issues and solutions.

Maine says the partnership will help to address global environmental challenges by developing technology, policy, and innovation research, while educating and mentoring clean technology innovators. “This partnership exemplifies SFU’s commitment to engagement in creating sustainable innovations that benefit society.”

SFU has established expertise in clean technology and materials science, and is recognized as a global leader in the fuel cell science and technology.

SFU’s commitment to a sustainable future

SFU is committed to supporting innovation and research that will create a more sustainable future. Last month SFU’s Renewable Cities program announced that a new regional Low Carbon Cities Canada (LC3) Innovation Centre will be established in Vancouver.

SFU’s School of Sustainable Energy Engineering offers an interdisciplinary program that prepares students to become global leaders in cleantech. The Surrey campus’ new building which hosts the program recently earned the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Gold certification—one of LEED’s highest ratings—in recognition of its sustainable design and operations.

The university’s 4D Labs is a state-of—the-art material science and engineering research facility.

SFU Beedie’s Invention to Innovation entrepreneurship program helps scientists and engineers commercialize their inventions and overcome marketplace challenges.

The university launched its five-year sustainability plan in March, 2020.

This article was first published on 11 February by Simon Fraser University.

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