New Science|Business Network Member: Mobile World Capital Barcelona explores the challenges of the digital age in a ground-breaking new book

04 Mar 2021 | Network Updates

Mobile World Capital Barcelona joined the Science|Business Network of universities, companies and public-sector organisations. We welcome them, and republish here their first announcement of latest news. More information about the Science|Business Network here.

Mobile World Capital Barcelona via Digital Future Society – an initiative promoted also by the Spanish Ministry for Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation – have recently published “Faster than the future. Facing the digital age, an in-depth analysis of the social, economic, ethical, and environmental issues that we face today as a result of digitalisation. MWCapital

In a unique approach, the book was written by ten pairs of international journalists and renowned academics specialized in digital transformation and technological humanism. It collects and synthesises a range of insights emerging from the authors’ deep reflections about the information and communication technologies (ICT) revolution, which is already generating a global interdependence that already affects all areas of human activity.
Throughout its ten chapters, the authors examine a phenomenon which Digital Future Society calls the “digital emergency”: the unequal development and implementation of the ICT revolution, an asymmetry which causes imbalances and inequalities across society. They also consider how the impact of the digital age may be modulated in a controlled, proportionate way, so that citizens are not excluded from the process and benefits of digital transformation.

As underlined by Carme Artigas, Spain’s Secretary of State for Digitization and Artificial Intelligence, at the February 4 launch event: “The ethical and social challenges associated with this digital transformation create a global challenge that we must address from a much more holistic, multidisciplinary perspective and a clear humanistic vocation… as the fundamental basis for the construction of an ethical and sustainable digital future.”

For his part, the chief executive of Mobile World Capital Barcelona, ​​Carlos Grau, stressed that technology must be a fundamental tool for change, to reduce inequalities and make the digital age fully inclusive. "Cooperation and collaboration between all actors and interest groups are the best strategy to face the complexity of the digital emergency: this involves the public sector, the private sector and civil society".
Among other themes, the volume addresses the transformation of the world of work and the expansion of the gig economy; the keys to smart and sustainable global growth; ethics in artificial intelligence; the massive use of our data; post-truth and fake news; surveillance in our societies; supercomputing; the role of humans in the digital society; the concept of digital feudalism; and the evolution of cities linked to the expansion of autonomous vehicles.
Above all, “Faster than the future. Facing the digital age is a call for the international community, governments, companies, and civil society to become more aware of the need to tackle the digital emergency before its consequences become irreversible – guaranteeing equity, defining rights and basic protections, and contributing to the sustainability of the planet.

To download the digital version of Faster than the future. Facing the digital age, please visit:

For any related enquiries, please contact Inés Garcia at [email protected].

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