Gunnar Bovim resigns as rector at NTNU

These updates are republished press releases and communications from members of the Science|Business Network

On August 16th, NTNU’s rector Gunnar Bovim informed the chairman of NTNU’s board Svein Richard Brandtzæg that he wishes to end his fixed term after six years as rector. Gunnar Bovim will continue to work with policy matters related to education and research at NTNU and be of disposal to NTNUs top management.

In an extraordinary meeting today, NTNU’s board decided to appoint rector’s deputy, Prorector for education Anne Borg, as acting rector until the position as rector is announced. The change in NTNU’s management will take effect on Wednesday 21 August.

Chairman of the board, Svein Richard Brandtzæg, praises the job that Gunnar Bovim has done as rector:

"Gunnar Bovim has been a powerful and visible rector for NTNU since he took office 1 August 2013. The last years have been characterized by extensive changes in the organization and advances within education, research and innovation. The board is grateful for the efforts the management, headed by Gunnar Bovim, has made during these last years. The board is also confident that NTNU will be led in an excellent manner by acting rector Anne Borg."

It is Gunnar Bovim’s opinion that time has come to hand the helm over to somebody else:

"There is a time for everything. I have been in top management for over 20 years, six of them as rector at NTNU. It has been a privilege. Now the relationship between Merete Kvidal and myself has triggered some challenging dilemmas for NTNU. My overall view is therefore that the time is right to hand over the relay baton. I thank the NTNU organization for its great effort and cooperation, and I am confident that Anne Borg and the rest of NTNU’s management with great force will contribute to the further development of NTNU," says Bovim.

This communication was  first published 16 August 2019 by NTNU.

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