EUA launches map of European universities’ efforts to tackle digital transformation

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The European University Association’s Digital Transformation Map, a new living resource for universities navigating change in the digital space, is now online.

Building on the Association’s work on the digital transition, the map gathers the experiences of EUA members and the wider university community in tackling ongoing developments in the digital sphere. To do so, it presents a rich collection of practice examples, reflecting a diverse range of initiatives undertaken to advance transformation in Europe’s university sector. As such, it is an invaluable reference for senior university leaders driving change within their institutions, offering orientation and guidance on pressing issues for university communities, including digital sovereignty, artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, and many others.

Why now? There is a growing demand for guidance and community among institutional leaders across Europe looking to seize the opportunities and tackle the challenges presented by digitalisation. Therefore, EUA established a dedicated Digital Transformation Steering Committee and Advisory Board in 2022, comprised of experts from the Association’s member universities who have contributed their expertise over the past two years. The Digital Transformation Map presents their findings, alongside additional insights and resources from EUA members and other European organisations active in the digital space. 

But this is only the beginning. As digital technologies, as well as the frameworks that govern activity in the digital sphere, continue to advance at a rapid pace, the map will also grow and evolve. For this reason, EUA members can contribute to the map’s further development by sharing initiatives that might be applicable in other contexts or support peer institutions in their transformation. They can do so by visiting the Digital Transformation Map and completing the ‘Contribute’ form.

This article was first published on 4 September by EUA.

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