ESADE and Allianz renew their commitment to fostering young talent

14 Mar 2019 | Network Updates

The ESADE Foundation and Allianz Seguros have renewed their collaboration agreement with the goal of supporting ESADE’s Scholarship Programme, enabling the school to award scholarships to new students and guaranteeing, thanks to this agreement, that this financial support will continue throughout their studies. The two institutions share the goal of ensuring that economic difficulties do not prevent talented young people from receiving a top-quality education.

Thanks to the harmonious relationship between the two organisations, some recipients of the Allianz Scholarship have enjoyed the opportunity to do internships at the company, thereby acquiring first-hand knowledge of the professional world they will encounter after graduating. Koldo Echebarria, Director General of ESADE, commented: “Thanks to collaboration agreements of this sort, we are giving society an example of how we can work together to provide training and opportunities to today’s youth, who will be the ones leading the transformation of society in the future”.

On his part, José Luis Ferré, CEO of Allianz Seguros, stated the commitment of Allianz with young people and their professional development: “We have made a clear commitment with the development of young talent, and this commitment is demonstrated in collaborations like the one with the ESADE Foundation, which dates back to 2014 and we just renewed”.

Thanks to collaboration agreements like this one, ESADE has been able to increase the number of scholarships it awards year after year. In the 2018-2019 academic year, ESADE allocated €3 million for its Scholarship Programme and awarded a total of 281 scholarships to students in its undergraduate programmes, Master in Legal Practice, MBA and MSc programmes.

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