The quickening pace of scientific and technological discovery is re-shaping policies, markets and economies around the world. Arm yourself with a regular new Science|Business briefing

Éanna Kelly, News Editor, Science|Business
In the world of science and technology, international collaboration is taking centre stage.
Across the globe, governments and multinationals are boosting their R&D budgets – more than doubling in the 15 years since Science|Business first began publishing. And a growing share of that money is going to cross-border collaboration.
A survey we conducted shows nearly two-thirds of research institutions now consider such international cooperation “vital” to their future.
With this regular international newsletter, launching today, Science|Business expands its news focus beyond the EU.
The first edition offers analysis of the shift to renewables in Norway, as part of a special focus on R&D in this important EU partner country. We also report on the internal EU debate over making Horizon Europe more international, and the re-emergence of a celebrated Russian research foundation onto the international scene.
The focus will switch to Japan on January 7, and a special feature on Canada will kick off our February 4 edition.
After that, we should run the following schedule:
- March 3 – focus on Switzerland
- April 7 – China
- May 5 – South Africa
- June 2 – Egypt and the Middle East more broadly
- July 7 – South Korea
- September 8 – India
- October 6 – Israel
- November 3 - USA
- December 1 - Australia
Write to me at [email protected], if you have suggestions for future coverage.