Innovate Together 2024 launches €5 million call

Sponsored by: EIT Manufacturing
14 Oct 2024 |

EIT Manufacturing and EFFRA call for innovative green manufacturing projects

Launching its second call, Innovate Together is inviting previous Made in Europe projects to propose disruptive new marketable solutions in green manufacturing. Open since 2 October 2024, the call aims to strengthen Europe’s industrial competitiveness by driving the adoption of cutting-edge green and digital technologies, in alignment with the strategic objectives set by the European Green Deal and the Net Zero Industry Act (NZIA).

With a budget of more than €5 million, comprised of €3 million of EIT funding and €2 million of contributions from the European Commission’s Directorate General Research and Innovation (DG RTD) and additional co-funding provided by the consortia, the initiative seeks to accelerate the market deployment of innovative manufacturing projects across Europe, supporting the green and digital transitions.

Accelerating commercial success through innovation

A successful example of an initiative connecting Pillar II and Pillar III of the Horizon Europe Framework Programme, Innovate Together is designed to bridge the gap between research and real-world application by encouraging the rapid development of advanced manufacturing technologies.

"Europe is at the forefront of cutting-edge innovation, yet the key lies in translating it into commercial success,” explained Caroline Viarouge, CEO of EIT Manufacturing. “Innovate Together will support fast-track commercialisation of green and digital manufacturing technologies to strengthen the industry’s competitiveness."

Olaf Pannenbäcker, Chairman of EFFRA, added: "Europe's success depends on its capacity to transform groundbreaking innovations into market-ready solutions. Through initiatives like the Innovate Together Call, we are accelerating the adoption of green and digital manufacturing technologies, ensuring that European industry not only adapts to future challenges, but strengthens its global leadership in sustainability and competitiveness. Maintaining Europe's competitive edge is critical to safeguarding its industrial future, and this continued collaboration between two key pillars is essential to driving innovation and securing the future of manufacturing."

The first edition of Innovate Together in 2021 had three projects selected for the pilot phase, receiving a total of nearly €1.3 million in EIT funding. Among the selected projects was the LAMM (Laser Additive Manufacturing for Metals) project, forming an academic-industrial partnership of organisations from UK, Belgium, Portugal and Greece. The project focused on enhancing Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing (WAAM) technologies, boosting productivity in high-demand industries, such as aerospace and energy.[DP1] 

Collaborative effort boosting competitiveness

Innovate Together, launched by EIT Manufacturing and the European Factories of the Future Research Association (EFFRA) is co-programmed and co-financed by DG RTD. Highlighting the importance of the initiative, several other Directorates, including DG Education, Youth, Sport and Culture (EAC), DG Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs (GROW), as well as DG Communication, have expressed their support.

Maria Cristina Russo, Director for Prosperity at DG RTD commented: “The Innovate Together call will help manufacturing projects make the most of their R&I results in two important areas. First-time-right manufacturing helps to diminish waste and enhance efficiency. End-of-Life management contributes to circularity and climate neutrality. Both of these priorities are hugely important for sustainable competitiveness”.

Normunds Popens, Deputy Director-General of the Directorate General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture, added: “We must overcome the fragmentation of the value chain and accelerate the market deployment of innovations. EIT Manufacturing and EFFRA are well placed to boost manufacturing innovation in Europe by providing people with the right skills, matching technologies with markets, and connecting innovators with investors.”

EMC Event picture
Photo: Olaf Pannenbäcker, Chairman, EFFRA; Caroline Viarouge, CEO, EIT Manufacturing; Maria Cristina Russo, Director for Prosperity, DG RTD, EC; Normunds Popens, Deputy Director General, DG EAC, EC; Maurizio Gattiglio, Chairman, ManuFuture 
Photo credits: Xavier Lejeune

An investment strengthening European industry

The Innovate Together call will allocate €5 million to support the commercialisation of results from previous Made in Europe projects. Each selected project can receive up to €800,000 to support its development and market launch, with project start in May 2025 and an 18-month timeframe for achieving the set objectives.

The application process follows a two-stage approach, with submissions open until 6 December 2024. Former Made in Europe projects, particularly those offering solutions to global challenges, are strongly encouraged to apply.

To learn more about the call and the application process, join the Info Session on 17 October.

For further details, you can also read the joint press release.

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