There were 250 responses, 25 per cent of which were from citizens and 75 per cent stakeholders. In total, 98 per cent said they find HTA useful, whereas 81 per cent support EU cooperation on HTA to a certain extent.
The consultation, which ran from 21 October 2016 to 13 January 2017, will provide inputs to shape the future direction for EU collaboration in HTA when the current programme EUnetHTA ends in 2020.
The Commission said it will incorporate the results into its impact assessment of pan-European collaborations on HTA, as it is preparing to further strengthen them.
Next Steps: “In the preparation of the impact assessment and the formulation of a future initiative, the Commission will duly consider the views expressed by stakeholders in this open public consultation, as well as in the other activities outlined in the consultation strategy. The results of the online public consultation will be complemented with stakeholders’ views collected in the other consultation activities and will be summarised in the synopsis report which will be attached to the impact assessment on strengthening EU cooperation on HTA beyond 2020.”
The findings of the public consultation can be accessed at:
The rationale for the survey is here:

Overview of the opinions of individual respondents regarding the possibility of performing clinical/medical assessments in parallel and independently by national and regional HTA bodies
Source: European Commission - Directorate General for Health and Food Safety, Ref. Ares(2017)2455149 - 15/05/2017