A one-stop-shop for tools and information sources supporting the ongoing efforts to defeat the Covid19 pandemic

The Coronavirus R&D Gateway is a resource for researchers, companies, policymakers and the interested public at large. The R&D Gateway has been created in cooperation with several partner organisations. It constitutes a one-stop-shop for a number of tools and information sources supporting the ongoing efforts to defeat the COVID-19 pandemic.
Latest news
A World Trade Organisation waiver on intellectual property will not overcome immediate vaccine shortages. Compulsory licensing is a better approach
Member states have until the end of April to fine tune and adapt plans to fit with EU climate goals. But will bids to spend money on roads and gas pipelines support a green recovery?
Live blog
Latest: European Commission close to advance purchase deal for 300M doses of Sanofi/Glaxo COVID-19 vaccine and says more agreements on the way
European support for strategic action to enhance the uptake of medical research findings, products and interventions in sub-Saharan Africa.
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Partner organisations
For partnership opportunities, contact [email protected]