Science|Business Database: Coronavirus Funding Opportunities

This database is no longer being updated.

As a service to the global R&D community, Science|Business has compiled this database of funding opportunities. Users are encouraged to let us know of funding calls that could be incorporated into the database. Please email all suggestions to [email protected]. The database will be updated daily. For rapid news about COVID-19, see our live blog.

RAPID: Dear Colleague Letter on the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)

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The National Science Foundation (NSF) is accepting proposals to conduct non-medical, non-clinical-care research that can be used immediately to explore how to model and understand the spread of COVID-19, to inform and educate about the science of

$200K (U.S. dollars)
Agency or Funder
U.S. National Science Foundation
Eligibility (if available)

qualified scientists, engineers and educators from Institutions of Higher Education, Non-profit, Non-academic Organizations, For-profit Organizations, State and Local Governments, Foreign Organizations,

Foreign participation? (where known)

Urgent request for expressions of interest for extraordinary financing of research projects on sars-voc-2 and covid19 disease

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Proposals must be appropriate to the emergency situation and, therefore, allow immediate implementation and start-up in the National Health System, with concrete, early results applicable to the current situation.

Agency or Funder
Carlos III Health Institute

DCL: Provisioning Advanced Cyberinfrastructure to Further Research on the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)

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Non-medical, Non-clinical-care research that can be used immediately to better understand how to model and understand the spread of COVID-19; to inform and educate about the science of virus transmission and prevention; and to encourage the develo

$200K (U.S. dollars)
Agency or Funder
U.S. National Science Foundation
Eligibility (if available)

qualified scientists, engineers and educators from Institutions of Higher Education, Non-profit, Non-academic Organizations, For-profit Organizations, State and Local Governments, Foreign Organizations,

Foreign participation? (where known)

Near-market proposals for diagnosis, management and treatment.

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Innovation Fund Denmark is seeking interdisciplinary projects to mitigate the impact of the outbreak on citizens, the healthcare system or the social economy through diagnosis, management and/or treatment.

Agency or Funder
Innovation Fund Denmark
Eligibility (if available)

Any legal entity

Foreign participation? (where known)
Date application deadline

Understanding the impact of COVID-19 on people living with HIV

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Priority areas include epidemiology, health care system management, and biomarkers indicative of disease susceptibility, severity and progression.

Agency or Funder
ViiV Healthcare
Eligibility (if available)

Applicants must be affiliated with a clinical institution

Foreign participation? (where known)
Date application deadline

Swiss national COVID-19 research programme

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Projects must advance the understanding of COVID-19 and the development of vaccines, therapeutics, and diagnostics. Multidisciplinary collaborations and use of international research networks are encouraged.

Agency or Funder
Swiss National Science Foundation
Eligibility (if available)

Independent researchers holding a PhD or equivalent

Foreign participation? (where known)
Date application deadline

Combatting COVID-19 at national borders

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Focusing on the vulnerabilities emerging in the COVID-19 pandemic, applicants should propose ways to prevent, contain, and mitigate threats posed by biological and chemical actors at national borders and points of entry.

Up to $5M (U.S. dollars) per project, total $15M (U.S. dollars)
Agency or Funder
Bureau of International Security-Nonproliferation
Eligibility (if available)

NGOs and academic institutions

Foreign participation? (where known)
Date application deadline

Improving emergency patient care

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Funding for emergency care research projects related to COVID-19 and lasting up to 1 year. Potential topics include diagnostics, safety, therapeutics, and crisis preparedness.

$5.000 - $25.000 (USD)
Agency or Funder
Society for Academic Emergency Medicine
Eligibility (if available)

Applicant must be a member of SAEM, hold a PhD or equivalent and a faculty university appointment with a department of emergency medicine

Date application deadline

Early-stage research to develop technologies for COVID-19 and potential future pandemic response

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Funding for early-stage development of tools for virus detection and sensing; supply chain management; geo-spatio-temporal monitoring and mapping; information reliability and collaboration; and modeling, simulation, and predictive analytics.

Agency or Funder
The Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity
Eligibility (if available)

The prime contractor must be in the US. Foreign entities and individuals may participate as part of a US-based team.

Foreign participation? (where known)
Date application deadline

International call for tech-based solutions

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MIT Solve is looking for tech innovations to improve individual hygiene, develop low-cost rapid diagnostics and data tools to inform decision-makers and support health workers.

$1.5M (U.S. dollars)
Agency or Funder
MIT Solve
Eligibility (if available)

Open to individuals, research teams and organisations

Foreign participation? (where known)
Date application deadline

Support for projects seeking to mitigate the health consequences of the coronavirus (COVID-19) epidemic in Denmark

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Support for projects seeking to mitigate the health consequences of the coronavirus (COVID-19) epidemic in Denmark

Agency or Funder
Novo Nordisk Foundation
Eligibility (if available)

Public institutions / authorities or private non-profit organizations (eg NGOs) in Denmark participating in the fight against the coronavirus epidemic

Foreign participation? (where known)
Date application deadline

MIT wants to back tech innovations to help track the spread of an emerging outbreak

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The research will focus in particular how to improve individual hygiene, develop low-cost rapid diagnostics, analyse data, and provide tools to support and protect health workers.

$10,000 (U.S. dollars)
Agency or Funder
Massachusets Institute of Technology (MIT) Solve
Eligibility (if available)

Individual, organisations from around the world

Foreign participation? (where known)
Date application deadline

COVID-19 humanities and social sciences research in Canada

Date added:

Projects should aim to understand the impact of the pandemic, design and implement recovery measures, or build long-term disaster preparedness plans.

$7,000 - $25,000 (CAD)
Agency or Funder
The Canadian Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council
Eligibility (if available)

Researchers or teams of researchers affiliated with a Canadian university. Foreign universities can be co-applicants

Foreign participation? (where known)
Date application deadline

Rapid response call for UK-led research into COVID-19

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UKRI calls for projects with potential to deliver a significant contribution to the understanding, prevention or management of the COVID-19 outbreak within 12 months.

UK - 80% of full economic costs. Overseas - 100% direct costs only
Agency or Funder
UK Research and Innovation and the Department of Health and Social Care
Eligibility (if available)

Principal investigator must be hosted by an institution eligible for UKRI funding.

Foreign participation? (where known)
Date application deadline