Science|Business Database: Coronavirus Funding Opportunities

This database is no longer being updated.

As a service to the global R&D community, Science|Business has compiled this database of funding opportunities. Users are encouraged to let us know of funding calls that could be incorporated into the database. Please email all suggestions to [email protected]. The database will be updated daily. For rapid news about COVID-19, see our live blog.

Transatlantic call for new coronavirus treatment proposals

Date added:

A call for novel therapies, broad-spectrum antivirals, next-generation vaccines that may target new corona strains, multiple corona viruses or more than one type of virus, and strategies for first responders and emergency medical personnel.

$150.000 (U.S.) guaranteed, with the potential to receive up to $1 million
Agency or Funder
Harrington Discovery Institute
Eligibility (if available)

Project lead must have an MD, PhD or equivalent and based in the U.S., UK or Canada. 

Foreign participation? (where known)
Date application deadline

Improving emergency patient care

Date added:

Funding for emergency care research projects related to COVID-19 and lasting up to 1 year. Potential topics include diagnostics, safety, therapeutics, and crisis preparedness.

$5.000 - $25.000 (USD)
Agency or Funder
Society for Academic Emergency Medicine
Eligibility (if available)

Applicant must be a member of SAEM, hold a PhD or equivalent and a faculty university appointment with a department of emergency medicine

Date application deadline