Science|Business Database: Coronavirus Funding Opportunities

This database is no longer being updated.

As a service to the global R&D community, Science|Business has compiled this database of funding opportunities. Users are encouraged to let us know of funding calls that could be incorporated into the database. Please email all suggestions to [email protected]. The database will be updated daily. For rapid news about COVID-19, see our live blog.

An opportunity for local women’s organisations to respond to COVID-19 in crisis settings

Date added:

Funding for projects that focus on working on women, peace and security and humanitarian issues; and on providing gender-responsive responses to the COVID19 crisis.

$200,000 (U.S dollars)
Agency or Funder
Women’s Peace & Humanitarian Fund (WPHF)
Eligibility (if available)

Civil-society organizations in all 25 WPHF eligible countries

Foreign participation? (where known)
Date application deadline

Short-term projects addressing and mitigating the impact of COVID-19 in low- and middle-income countries

Date added:

Projects should relate to resilience, security protracted conflict, refugee crises and forced displacement, cities and sustainable infrastructure, food systems, education and global health in the COVID-19 pandemic.

Not specified
Agency or Funder
UK Research and Innovation
Eligibility (if available)

Applicants outside of the UK can apply either as principal investigators if their organisations led or have led and held UKRI grants, or as members partnering with UK-based principal investigators

Foreign participation? (where known)
Date application deadline