Science|Business Database: Coronavirus Funding Opportunities

This database is no longer being updated.

As a service to the global R&D community, Science|Business has compiled this database of funding opportunities. Users are encouraged to let us know of funding calls that could be incorporated into the database. Please email all suggestions to [email protected]. The database will be updated daily. For rapid news about COVID-19, see our live blog.

DCL: Provisioning Advanced Cyberinfrastructure to Further Research on the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)

Date added: 23 Apr 2020

Non-medical, Non-clinical-care research that can be used immediately to better understand how to model and understand the spread of COVID-19; to inform and educate about the science of virus transmission and prevention; and to encourage the develo

$200K (U.S. dollars)
Agency or Funder
U.S. National Science Foundation
Eligibility (if available)

qualified scientists, engineers and educators from Institutions of Higher Education, Non-profit, Non-academic Organizations, For-profit Organizations, State and Local Governments, Foreign Organizations,

Foreign participation? (where known)

Innovative approaches to reporting on the novel coronavirus crisis

Date added: 23 Apr 2020

Proposals will involve a strategic and concerted effort by multiple journalists and/or newsrooms to pursue a reporting project together, leveraging resources, expertise, and publication platforms.

$5,000 - $10,000 (U.S dollars)
Agency or Funder
Pulitzer Center
Eligibility (if available)

Newsrooms and independent journalists

Foreign participation? (where known)

Open call for proposals for the COVID-19 Google Research Credits Program

Date added: 05 May 2020

Research projects for potential treatments, techniques and datasets will be prioritised according to their impact on public health. Preference will be given to projects that plan to make their datasets publicly available and referenceable.

$5.000 (U.S.) in GCP credits. PhD awards $1,000 (U.S.)
Agency or Funder
Eligibility (if available)

A commercial, nonprofit, government or academic research institution based in a country where Google Credits Program credits are approved.

Foreign participation? (where known)

Emergency funding for COVID-19 studies not requiring clinical trials

Date added: 05 May 2020

Projects should carry out on rapid research into fundamental virology, immunology, and the development of animal models, reagents, and medical countermeasures.

Up to $275.000 (USD)
Agency or Funder
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID)
Eligibility (if available)

Higher education institutions, non-profit organisations, SMEs, for-profit organisations, governments

Foreign participation? (where known)

RAPID: Dear Colleague Letter on the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)

Date added: 23 Apr 2020

The National Science Foundation (NSF) is accepting proposals to conduct non-medical, non-clinical-care research that can be used immediately to explore how to model and understand the spread of COVID-19, to inform and educate about the science of

$200K (U.S. dollars)
Agency or Funder
U.S. National Science Foundation
Eligibility (if available)

qualified scientists, engineers and educators from Institutions of Higher Education, Non-profit, Non-academic Organizations, For-profit Organizations, State and Local Governments, Foreign Organizations,

Foreign participation? (where known)

Mozilla opens call for proposals for technology projects to respond to COVID-19

Date added: 23 Apr 2020

Proposals should include hardware and software such as open-source ventilators or a browser plugin that combats COVID-related misinformation.

$50,000 (U.S. dollars) per project
Agency or Funder
Mozilla Open Source Support Program (MOSS)
Eligibility (if available)

Any kind of legal entity.

Foreign participation? (where known)

Top-up award for existing PCORI-funded Engagement Award projects

Date added: 29 Apr 2020

Funding for existing PCORI-funded projects that wish to adapt or alter their original aims to produce useful knowledge or research related to COVID-19.

Up to $150.000 (U.S.)
Agency or Funder
Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI)
Eligibility (if available)

Only PCORI-funded project leads with active Engagement Award contracts are eligible

A one-stop shop for defence industry, commercial companies and academia to share creative ideas with federal agencies to combat the virus

Date added: 23 Apr 2020

The U.S. Air Force is accepting proposals for solutions to problems that government personnel are facing during the pandemic.

Agency or Funder
U.S. Air Force
Eligibility (if available)

Commercial companies and academia

Private-public consortium opens up high-performance computing capabilities to researchers worldwide.

Date added: 23 Apr 2020

Research proposals around the world relating to the COVID-19 virus will be matched with appropriate high-performance computing facilities from among the consortium partners.

Agency or Funder
White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, Department of Energy and IBM
Foreign participation? (where known)

Notice of Special Interest (NOSI) regarding the Availability of Administrative Supplements and Urgent Competitive Revisions for Research on the 2019 Novel Coronavirus

Date added: 23 Apr 2020

Competitive revisions and additional resourcing for a currently funded grant to meet increased costs that are within the scope of the approved project, but that were unforeseen when the new or competing renewal application was awarded.

$100K (U.S. dollars) direct costs/yr
Agency or Funder
U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) - NIDA
Eligibility (if available)

Grantees currently supported by the NIDA.

Date application deadline

A call to focus on lessons from the impacts of COVID-19 on marginalised populations

Date added: 23 Apr 2020

The AHW is interested in understanding and mitigating the health equity and
social justice dimensions of the pandemic.

up to $25,000 per award
Agency or Funder
Alliance for a Healthier World (AHW)
Eligibility (if available)

Full-time faculty or staff from Johns Hopkins University

Foreign participation? (where known)
Date application deadline

AHA Rapid Response Grant
COVID-19 and Its Cardiovascular Impact

Date added: 23 Apr 2020

Cardiovascular-focused applications that will contribute to understanding the cardiovascular and cerebrovascular pathogenesis, diagnosis, prevention, clinical manifestations, clinical management (including critical care management) and social beha

up to $100,000 (U.S. dollars)
Agency or Funder
American Heart Association
Eligibility (if available)

Not specified

Foreign participation? (where known)
Date application deadline

Call for proposals on how we can help children, parents, and educators deal with the Covid-19 crisis around the world.

Date added: 23 Apr 2020

The project aims to study on what the extent to which technology can accelerate learning and skills for both children and adults in low- and middle-income countries

Agency or Funder
The Strategic Impact Evaluation Fund (SIEF) - World Bank
Eligibility (if available)

Only World Bank task team leaders and their respective units are eligible to apply

Foreign participation? (where known)
Date application deadline

Request for proposals focused on the development of medical technologies to combat COVID-19

Date added: 23 Apr 2020

US Medical Technology Enterprise Consortium (MTEC) is looking to rapidly accelerate the inquiry, testing, and fielding of new 21st-century capabilities, employing novel technologies and approaches to the detection of exposure, prevention, containm

To be defined
Agency or Funder
Department of Defense (DoD)
Eligibility (if available)

Must be a member of the MTEC consortium to receive a grant, although membership is not required to make an application.

Foreign participation? (where known)
Date application deadline