Science policy

Scientists can help put the brake on Brexit

There are great UK-EU science stories buried under all the one-sided anti-Brussels spin and now is the time to tell them, says Mike Galsworthy, researcher turned political activist

How to fix the EU science advice muddle

The EU needs objective science advice when framing its policies. Action is needed to clarify how and by whom this is delivered, says the former EU science chief Anne Glover

Now it’s the EIIT, says Parliament

The European Parliament gave its formal blessing to the launch of a new pan-European technology institute next year – but insisted that it include “innovation” in the title.

Head of ESF brain drains to Singapore

After three years banging the drum for science in Europe, Bertil Andersson, CEO of the European Science Foundation (ESF), is leaving to take up the post of Rector at the Nanyang Technological University in Singapore