Three of the UK’s largest learned societies in biological and environmental sciences have signed an agreement which is a significant step towards integration.
Four of Europe’s leading micro and nanotechnology research bodies are reaching across national boundaries to create a single arm for grants and spin-outs.
President Obama’s move to focus on “science as economic saviour” may have stalled. But there is still optimism about the impact the new administration will have.
National Rectors’ Conferences have been reporting on the situation facing their universities in the current economic climate. The results have been mixed.
There is grim reading in a survey of UK venture capitalists’ views of what 2009 holds in store, published by the British Private Equity and Venture Capital Association.
The 850 UK firms making the largest investment R&D in 2007 grew their R&D by 6 per cent to £21.6 billion in the last year, according to the UK government's 18th annual R&D scoreboard.
An internet video portal on the R&D Excellence Initiative has been launched by the German Research Foundation to give a flavour of its top-level research.
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